EQUINE craniosacral therapy

I have been fortunate to have shared my life with horses from childhood. They are truly majestic, wonderful animals.

After training and practicing in Craniosacral Therapy, I became aware of the benefits this type of treatment has on horses. I went on to train in Equine Craniosacral Therapy with Edwina Gray.

Craniosacral Therapy is a safe and gentle therapy. A light touch is used to help stimulate the horse’s own inherent potential to heal. There is no physical manipulation of bones or tissue, the body is allowed to readjust at its own pace. Craniosacral Therapy works with the central nervous system and the cerebrospinal fluid that runs throughout the horse’s fascial system.

There can be restrictions and blockages within the horse’s system. These may have been caused by injury or illness and emotional disturbances. Craniosacral Therapy may help to relieve these tensions, allowing the horse freedom of movement.


£60 per hour + travel expenses depending on location.

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Equine Craniosacral Therapy may aid recovery from conditions such as:

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Head Shaking

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Head Injuries-Traumas

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Teeth Grinding

Out of character behaviour,
bucking, shying and aggression


important to note:

Craniosacral Therapy can be used alongside conventional medicine. You should always consult your vet prior to your horse receiving Equine Craniosacral Therapy.

talk to me about MARIA CHAPMAN equine craniosacral therapy

I am based in Bushey, Hertfordshire and willing to travel outside of the area to help you and your horse.
Travel expenses will be charged additionally. Please get in touch to discuss further.