what is craniosacral therapy?

Craniosacral therapy treatment is very gentle and non-invasive, taking place through clothing whilst lying down, making it suitable for all ages and safe during pregnancy. With a typical session lasting approximately one hour, the therapist uses a light touch around the body to listen and monitor the craniosacral rhythm within the body. A client may feel deep relaxation and in time become in tune with their body.

Craniosacral therapy’s holistic approach may help with a wide range of conditions and situations, including acute, chronic, physical and emotional problems:





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Workplace Stress



£50 per hour
(longer sessions available)

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Physical Discomfort

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Emotional Difficulties


the history of craniosacral therapy

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Craniosacral Therapy’s origins started with Dr. William Garner Sutherland D.O. in the early 1900’s. On enrolling in medical school in 1898 Dr. Sutherland became aware of the cranial fluid, tissues and membranes. He developed the principle that the body’s central nervous system was in a constant rhythmic motion. This fluid motion was an essential factor in maintaining health. He called this therapy Cranial Osteopathy.

“Allow physiologic function within to manifest its own unerring potency, rather than apply a blind force from without.”

Dr. William Sutherland

Some time later Dr. J Upledger, whilst in the operating theatre, during a patient’s spinal surgery became aware of a rhythmic motion within the membranes. He went onto to research this fluid movement for some years and came to discover the craniosacral system and its rhythmic motion, and its potential to aid recovery.

 book a free 15 minute telephone consultation WITH MARIA CHAPMAN CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY